About Gigi

Gigi Santiago is a seasoned, dynamic, public speaker, presenter, trainer, spiritual director, certified NLP Practitioner, Master Mindfulness Practitioner and certified elite life coach, using an evocative approach and mindfulness techniques  for her clients seeking transformational resolution to create a mindset of success. Gigi has been an entrepreneur with her husband, Willie, for over 20 years and knows the doubts, self-sabotage and fears that starting a business can bring about without the mindset of intentional success.

Do you know any entrepreneurs who are overwhelmed by all the tasks they must do in both their professional and personal lives?

Through my coaching, I help entrepreneurs create the practices of work-life balance. In fact, one of my clients was able to overcome his overthinking mindset and established routines to create time for both work and play with his family.

Do you know any overwhelmed entrepreneurs? I can help.”

Gigi enjoys working  with entrepreneurs who want to succeed yet cannot seems to get out of their own way; those individuals who want to create more and yet can’t seem to achieve what they crave. For Gigi, over-extended business owners are successes, waiting to happen. Right now, they feel overwhelmed because they are stretched so thin with all the responsibilities others, society and they have placed on them(selves). She helps her clients create lives of Intentional Success.

As a business owner, with strong organizational skills and communication abilities, Gigi knows a mindset of intentional success, builds practices of mindfulness and awareness in businesses and companies and their successes are measured in the care and attention given to each task which brings fruitful results. 

She is the mother of five adult children, who, in her opinion, are incredible leaders in their lives and married to her college sweetheart over 35 years. Gigi has experienced the highs and lows of entrepreneurial life, always aware of the blessings that surround her.

Gigi Santiago is a powerful Transformation Coach and Speaker, coaching optimal mindset to individuals, entrepreneurs, business and team leaders to establish practices of intentional success to create lives of healthy work-life balance for themselves and those they lead.